Personal Branding

Good article for anyone in a job search who wants to make sure their tactics are keeping pace with the times and staying ahead of the pack.

2010 Top 10 Executive Personal Branding and Job Search Trends

by Meg Guiseppi on December 22, 2009 · 27 comments

Things have changed in the world of work and executive job search.

Tried and true methods still apply, but the impact of the Internet and our recovering job market require building a different kind of job search strategy and becoming much more proactive.

In a nutshell, what you need to do along with real-life networking, is embrace and leverage personal branding, social networking at sites like LinkedIn and Twitter, and social media, while building a strong, brand-evident online presence . . . or get left behind.

Your peers who finesse the new tactics already have a competitive advantage over people who don’t. They’re strategically positioned to accelerate their job searches.

Here’s how things are stacking up for executive job search in 2010 – some new rules, some old rules:


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